Warm Studio portrait of young caucasian blonde with honey dripping out of her mouth

Cristiana’s got one of those unique faces but she’s totally camera shy. I’ve been hounding her for months to shoot get her DJ press kit done (yes she’s a DJ) but in the end, she said she just wants to be my guinea pig for whatever random idea I can cook up.


Warm Studio portrait of young caucasian blonde with honey dripping down her face

When someone says that I take the opportunity. It took me under 10 seconds to imagine her golden hair and sun kissed skin drenched in honey. I was actually a little surprised when she agreed to have honey poured all over her face. Not coz it’s messy or anything… but coz she’s VEGAN!

Cristiana Text

For this look I wanted everything to be super warm. I set up 2 warm LED lights behind her as hair lights, a gelled and gridded Profoto B2 against the background to make it orange, and another B2 with an OCF beauty dish as my main light. I also had. A large golden reflector below her face.

Cristiana Honey-1830
Confession time, I actually tried this shoot on film as well but I completely botched it. I wrongly assumed that the sync speed on my 1965 Minolta was 1/125s. Come on… that’s a pretty good assumption. However, it was too fast and all my photos had black lines across them. Anyway… I had to tell you. I couldn’t keep it a secret.

Warm Studio portrait of young caucasian blonde with honey dripping onto her shoulder