DSCF0094 by Waleed Shah

Big Hass continues to bring us together. This time its through The Beat DXB Vol II at The Fridge. A big thank you to G-Shock Middle East and Puma Middle East for the love and support


DSCF9996 by Waleed ShahToo Dope


WSHB8239 by Waleed ShahShebani


DSCF9874 by Waleed ShahMolham Krayem


DSCF9661 by Waleed ShahFafa


DSCF9576 by Waleed ShahGhaliaa


DSCF9431 by Waleed ShahRoya


DSCF9388 by Waleed ShahBig Sizer


DSCF9987 by Waleed ShahMoh Flow


DSCF9919 by Waleed ShahKC Hamada


DSCF9502 by Waleed ShahTAC


DSCF9846 by Waleed ShahP. Storm


DSCF9613 by Waleed ShahKAFV


DSCF9956 by Waleed ShahColin James

WSHB8225 by Waleed Shah

And here’s that moment when Fafa took lay down in the middle of the crows

Click Here to download all the photos. Please tag your photographer @waleedshah when you post



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